

Did you know?
- There's an entry for Minerunner in the hall of light
- There's a german review of Minerunner from 1994 in an Amiga Joker
- You can read a replay and look how a testplayer solved a level by typing
c o w in the title picture. Here you can
enter the name of the replay file. (But you would
need unzipped replay files for the levels folder, see below)
- lemonamiga and eab played Minerunner in 2016:
lemonamiga thread /
eab thread
Copyright & Disclaimer: This game is freeware. It may be
freely copied if no modifications are made with the entire package! Any
commercial distribution is strictly forbidden. There is no warranty or other
guarantee of fitness of this software for any purpose. It is provided solely
"as is".
 Amiga |
| minerunner18.lha (367k, aminet)
requirements: Kickstart 1.2 or better
minerunner18.adf.zip V1.8: (396k, Kickstart 2.0 or better)
minerunner11.adf.zip V1.1: (82k, Kickstart 1.2 or better)
requirements: Amiga or emulator
hint: set sound emulation to "accurate" or Minerunner will crash!
known bug: 4 player mode is broken in V1.8 (1-3 player mode works fine)
readme.txt (gameplay infos)
level017.log.zip (replay of level 17, see above) |